Monday, March 5, 2007

Post Nine or The Roaring Lion

"March comes in like lion, out like a lamb"
I thought to myself that this March was coming in more like a lion CUB but, oh no, it was like a lion. It was out there, stalking it's prey, hiding and just when we though we were safe, POUNCE, it got us! Today we had blowing snow, intermittent white-outs and very cold weather. Of course, being in the Northeast, life goes on. Kids still went to school, people went to work, and homemakers went shopping. Tomorrow will be more of the same. Oldest Son shoveled the driveway for me but not before securing his payment; Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, a video game rental, and chicken wings (homemade) for dinner. That child can negotiate! I think he may have a future in the military after all. Perhaps he can broker peace in the Middle East! He even built a lovely snowman for me with eyes and a smiley face! I'll have to trudge out there and get a picture. Maybe I'll brave the elements this evening.....

1 comment:

cj said...

Sorry to hear about your cold weather. We had sixty degrees and sunshine here yesterday! But the weather can be like a lion here as well. Just when we think that spring is here, he strikes us with a heavy wet snow.