Sunday, June 24, 2007

First Stop- Ohio

Well, we made it to our first planned stop: Cuyahoga Falls, OH. Apparently Poison is from the Cleveland area so the concert was nearly sold out! We stayed at a La Quinta which had all the amenities we requested: Pool, Gym, and allowed pets. It was about what I expected cost-wise although Sgt. Dad (cheapskate) thought it was pricey! Our next planned stop in 12 hours away- St. Paul, MN- Mall of America (MOA). Our plan today is to travel about 10 hours and stay where ever that will be. Then, in the morning, drive the remainder of the way and enjoy a day at MOA. We haven't really planned out the remainder of the trip from there but I suppose we'll look more closely at the map and plan that out. Or we'll just fly by the seat of our pants- we're kind of that way.
No pictures for this post- nothing really notable seen. Although if you could have been a fly on my shoulder at the Poison concert... lol. Some people don't realize the 80's are over! I saw mullets!
The boys and the dogs did just fine in our first day of travelling. While we were at the concert the boys chilled in the room w/ games & computers & pizza. They also enjoyed the pool. I know they will miss the pool we had in Henrietta.
Ok, I've rambled enough- If Mamma doesn't get this train moving we'll be here all day!


cj said...

Have a blast at MOA. I can't believe that you went to a Poison concert!

Mo said...

Hey girl!! Hope you can do a little shopping. Justin and Brandon went off to camp today. I forgot to pack Brandon any underwear or guess what? yep had ta bring'em sum!!
I am hoping you are all having a great bonding time!!
How could you not?? right??
Love ya