About nine months ago, or so, I brought a small coffee pot into work. I really enjoy a nice, hot cup of coffee in the morning. Since I started doing this, I always buy Kona coffee and it has this nice brass clip to keep the coffee bag closed. I never threw away the clip because I thought it might be useful for something. I haven't found a use and I haven't thrown out a clip and now I have this nice little collection of clips going. An obsession has been born!
This isn't my first foray into obsessive collecting. You see, in my last job I removed A LOT of staples. One day I thought to myself, "I wonder just how many staples I remove in a day?" So, I kept them all in a little pile. At the end of the day, I was surprised how many there were. Which made my little mind wonder, "How many staples do I remove in a week?" So, I piled them up for a week, which led to a month, which led to the entire time I worked there. In fact, when I left, my replacement (Mom) inherited the task. I had started keeping them in an empty tissue box. By the time I left, I had about half-filled the tissue box.
Which leads back to the topic of this post. I wonder how many clips I'll collect in my time at this job? How much coffee will I have consumed? Such silly things occupy my mind........
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