Saturday, March 3, 2007

Post Eight or What is that smell?

Yesterday I walked in the house and thought it smelled funky. I chalked it up to stale air. Today I walked in the house and I said, "What IS that SMELL?" I went searching for the source. Of course my boys, being boys, didn't notice a thing. Until--- I checked the trash. Like many people, I keep my trash can under my kitchen sink and since I am not a gourmet chef I only need to empty it about 3 times a week. Well, this week was particularly busy and it had not been emptied since Tuesday. I completely forgot about the hamburger meat (raw) that I put in there on Wednesday. Needless to say I gagged on the odor. I had to make Oldest Son take it out. He obediently complied but not before making gagging noises and waving the odor my way. Thank God for Lysol and Party Lite candles! Now comes the obvious question: why on earth would I admit this to the world? The answer: Who knows but it makes for interesting reading. In my defense and because my Mom reads this, I usually empty the trash right away when I put something vile like that in the trash but I forgot about it and with it out of sight.... you know, it's outta mind. So, lesson learned and it is now on my daily checklist. Daily trash can emptying- full or no. I guess it's a good thing I live up here in the cold. Can you imagine the odor that would occur with that meat rotting in my outdoor trash can over the next week?? I'm glad it's still winter and not summer.

1 comment:

The Mama of the House said...

You are quite the writer! The language you use is colorful and fun to read. I'm so glad you're doing this blog so I can keep tabs on cj's family around the northeast. And, she's right, GROSS!