Saturday, March 17, 2007

Post Twelve or Life in NY

Happy Saint Patrick's Day! As some of you know we had a white St. Patty's.
We must have gotten 8". Quite a storm! That's ROC for ya- late season storms. I knew we had at least one more good one before Spring would stay! That being said, I nearly ended up in a ditch again this morning- scary! Rear tires are on my list to purchase when our income tax refund comes in but, alas, I do not have them yet. They sure would have helped this morning! I was on my way to the gym (yeah for me!) and just couldn't get a good grip on the road. I was driving slowly and carefully and did not panic when I started fish-tailing. However, I'm rusty at snow driving plus my thin tires could not get a grip. So, I ended up doing a 180 and saw a pretty, snow-covered, yellow fire hydrant quickly approaching my brand new front bumper. Somehow, I managed to safely spin myself into a snow drift at the end of some one's driveway. All without hitting anyone or anything! I sat there shaking for a few minutes but also counting my blessings. It was then that I decided I absolutely am going to get a four wheel drive before winter in Alaska! Needless to say, I was in no shape for any more driving and went home. (truth be told I would have loved to park my van right there and ask someone to pick me up) Here is a picture of my front yard at 9am today:

Anyway, as the day went on the plows came through and there was enough sun to melt the snow/ice/slush off the roads. So, I ventured out and I observed something about "rude New York drivers" - something I don't recall ever seeing drivers from VA, SC, AL, or TX do. Oh, NYers have such a reputation for being bad/rude drivers. So, you ask, what did I see?

I saw emergency vehicles with sirens on and lights flashing barrelling down the road. And what did these rude drivers do? The pulled over of course- on both sides of the road! Seriously! Time after time while living south of the Mason-Dixon I observed drivers NOT pulling over for emergency vehicles. It drove me crazy. Don't they realize they are impeding assistance from reaching people in need? What if it was their mother/father/brother/sister/son/daughter waiting for help that was delayed because drivers would not take the 20 seconds to pull aside and let ambulances/fire trucks/police pass by unobstructed? Honestly, I rarely saw people pull over and stop, sometimes they would slow down but mostly they just kept on going. I started to wonder if it wasn't a law in the south. Perhaps it isn't. Someone enlighten me.

1 comment:

cj said...

I'm glad that you won't be needing another new bumper. I love the snowy pics, Sis. Thanks for sharing. We were hot today. It was 85 degrees and very sunny. We are in New Mexico, but it was probably nice in CO today also. Spring is just around the corner and I can't wait!! Not pulling over for emergency vehicles is pretty bad. I'm glad that drivers in CO are fairly good at getting out of the way, but it seems that no one is as polite as the people in ROC!