Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Traffic Jam Leads to Rare Sight

So, I was pretty bummed that I was running late getting home because of an accident on the highway. For those of my readers who aren't from Anchorage, there is really only one way out of town and when there's an accident, it doesn't take long for it to back up and spill backwards onto the roads leading to the highway. Fortunately for me, I don't live out of town and can get off the highway and drive through Elmendorf Air Base to get home. Those who live out in the valley get to enjoy the highway parking lot until it clears and they are able to continue on home.
Anyway, on EAFB (Elmendorf Air Force Base) there is this long, wooded road that goes between the BX/PX and Fort Richardson. I frequently see moose along this stretch of road. So, when I spotted a truck pulled over and the driver staring hard into the woods, my now somewhat jaded to the moose sighting self thought, "Man, don't back up the road during rush hour for "just another moose"." Fortunately, I'm not that jaded and I looked into the woods to see what he saw. Am I ever glad I did! Here's what I saw:

A Black Bear Sow and Her Three Cubs!!!
I've heard this is a rarity. Apparently black bears don't usually have three cubs. If I didn't know better, I would have approached and tried to touch them. They look so gentle and playful. The cubs were crawling all over each other and their mother. I was sorry when they wandered off down the path because I didn't dare follow to photograph them further. I think I got a couple of good pictures though.


cj said...

Wow! I am so jealous!!! What a great place to live. I am glad that we were able to see both a Grizzly Bear and a Black Bear when we were in Yellowstone, along with Coyotes, Bison, Elk, and Deer. It's just amazing that you get to see these animals so close to your home.

Little Bird said...

amazing Jennifer! the pictures are awesome. I've lived here 18 years and have yet to see a mama and 3 cubs! Your blog titles read like really good headlines! keep up the good work.