Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Post Five

I suppose eventually I'll get more creative with my post titles but for now I like numbering them.
I am happy to say that I'm over my cold. Just a little lingering cough and slightly stuffy nose. Par for the course up here I suppose.
I am fighting the winter doldrums. (that is the correct spelling isn't it?) I have had to literally FORCE myself to the gym the past two days. I really don't know why I struggle with it after all this time. Once I get there I really enjoy it (well mostly enjoy it). I really miss all my work out buddies. If I was friendlier I could probably make new ones but I just blare my Ipod and keep my head down. Speaking of which, I need to buy a new Itunes card and get some more pumping music for my run. I am not a good runner but good music helps me keep going.
All of the sudden Cody has started to sprout! His face is elongating and he's been inching higher! Before I know it all three of my babies will be taller than me. Cody's getting awfully close! I wouldn't be surprised if he passed me by summer!
I am almost finished with Lisey's Story. It is an excellent book! Not what one would expect from Stephen King. I have read many, OK most, of his books and this is a departure from his normal genre. It's still creepy but not a horror per se. It's a softer Stephen King. Yes it is laced with profanity but not every-other-word as many would make it out. I suggest reading an excerpt and judging for yourself. I'm not sure what prompted me to start reading his novels as I'd always heard they were full of profanity and "rough". I did read Cujo in Junior or Senior High and was terrified of large dogs for some time (though I would never have admitted it at the time). In fact that could be the root of my unfounded fear of being attacked by wolves whenever I walk outside to my car after dark. I guess that was right about the time that the movie had come out in theatres. I never picked up another of his novels until just a couple years ago when I stumbled upon Black House (I think that's the right title) which he co-wrote with another author. I HIGHLY recommend that book and the sequel/prequel. AWESOME! The other title is The Talisman. I forgot which is the first but they are both excellent. I read them out of order and it did not lessen my enjoyment of either. I seem to really enjoy books dealing with supernatural elements. Pure fantasy! It's a good escape and it exercises your mind! lol
Well, I did not intend to turn this into a book review.... I guess even when I blog I can ramble on and on .....


cj said...

I'm glad that you're feeling better. Good job on just getting to the gym. I have just about given up on exercising. I hinted at my dear hubby that I might get some exercise if I just had a treadmill in front of the TV. I'm not sure that I would enjoy Steven King books. I would probably have irrational fear of wolves along with nightmares!

Karen Hamilton said...

Jennifer, the word is SAD, it's a disorder many people get from the lack of sunshine! Think about how many days we have had not even a ray of sunshine. December and January were particularly gloomy months this season. I'm sure that's what's behind my bout of depression. Stephen King books are not for me, I like the suspense and tension but I just can't get past the vulgarity.