Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Post Fourteen or Hurry Up and Wait

As you know, we are moving to Alaska. What I haven't explained in great detail is the process by which this will occur. Military Orders are the official document that causes any movement of troops. Right now, Sgt. Dad has an assignment for Alaska but not the orders. In order to get those orders I have to jump through hoops. You see, the military considers Alaska overseas for the purposes of relocation and any overseas assignment requires an EFMP screening (Exceptional Family Member Program). I have no idea what ailment we could possibly have that would prevent us from travelling to and living in Alaska. At any rate, since we are not living near a military base this has become quite a production between getting the right forms and documents. Also, we all need to have had a physical within the past year. The boys had to have one for school so that was no problem but for me.....
I had thought that since we would be here for only a year that I could get by without having a doctor. I had myself in for all that lovely testing before moving here but it's been over a year. So, with Sgt Dad breathing down my neck and his deadline fast approaching I had to find a doctor willing to deal with the military insurance coverage. Then she tells me the pap smear results will take up to THREE WEEKS! I tell the poor doctor my sob story that I needed those results "like last week" and she put a stat on it. It will still take a week. So I gather all the forms and documents that I can and fax them to our nearest base for the necessary review. I call the person in charge and ask "If- heaven forbid- my pap showed cancer, would that prevent us from going to AK?" "No" she tells me. So I wonder why is it so important for her to have and review those results before clearning us for AK? That is the last item needed for our screening. So, the wait begins. In the mean time, Sgt Dad's deadline has passed. Now the machine has started for him to leave Korea. I have no idea how they could possibly start the "out processing" process since he doesn't have orders yet!! Plus, since he doesn't have orders, nothing has been done to set up the process of actually moving. Sgt Dad has requested an extension in Korea so we may get all this settled. Yet, the red-tape has slowed the process down and his extension request has not yet been approved or denied. Again, why doesn't someone realize the insanity of sending a soldier on his way with out orders. Grrr. I know it will all work out in the end. I mean- it has to but getting there is frustrating. On the other hand, all this drama distracts me from the fact that I miss my husband and can't wait to have our family whole again.

1 comment:

cj said...

I had no idea that it was so complicated to be reassigned. I'm sorry that you have to deal with all those details on your own. I hope that it all works out quickly.