Saturday, March 10, 2007

Post Ten or "Smell My Butt"

My brother, along with his wife and son, came for a visit this week. Tonight we played cards and out of nowhere his son stands up, turns around, bends over and says, "Smell my butt". And how did we respond?- with uproarious laughter of course! Don't we have such lovely manners? It's a bit of a family tradition. Perhaps my sister would like to blog her own "smell my butt" story. I, however, would rather not publish that particular family gem to the world. hee hee

Anyway, here is my brothers response to his young son's demand:

I guess it wasn't a good smell. LOL.

Anyway, it seems as though my brother and family will be relocating here this summer- just in time for me and mine to move to Alaska. Alas- such is life. I'm sure lil' sis will enjoy having a younger nephew around. Maybe someday all of us kids will be with in a day's drive of "home". I'm sure Mom and Dad would love that. It seems we can't ever get us all together at once.

BTW- you may not have noticed that I attached a sticker from at the bottom of my blog that shows the current weather conditions for Anchorage, AK. Since that is soon to be where we hang our hats I thought it would be nice to keep an eye on conditions there. Enjoy!


cj said...

Gross! We have very fine manners in our household. Maybe it has something to do with daughters instead of sons! I don't know what you're referring to as this being a family tradition. I guess I'm out of that loop, and I think I'm okay with that!

The Mama of the House said...

Okay, my kids do that, too. Yes, it's a shame to admit such vulgarity to strangers, but it's true. My children actually want me to smell their stinky farts. And we actually do use the "fart" word at our home. But it is a good way to explain the difference between a bad smell and a bad stench. That's what we call homeschooling! :)