Friday, March 2, 2007

Post Seven

Why am I up so late? I really should go to bed. My plan is to go to the gym early in the morning before beginning my day. I love the weekend! I do miss the "old days" though of doing ABSOLUTELY nothing on Saturdays. It seems I run around all the time. So much for that fantasy of having more time when the kids get bigger. (I have realized this before but now and then it hits home again)
I went to get the taxes prepared today. I hate it! I don't know why. We are fortunate (or maybe unfortunate) enough to get a refund still. I just wish taxes were simpler. Why is it that we don't change to a flat tax and which party is it that thinks the current system is good? Just this week at work I overheard a person (who is plenty old enough to know better) "bragging" about getting a substantial "refund" (more than this person paid) in large part due to claiming child care expenses which this person does not pay as this person has a sibling watching the child who is somewhere around 11 years old. Flat taxes would eliminate this problem. The person who made 10k per year would owe his/her 7% as would the person earning 100K. Not to mention how this would ease the difficulty in preparing paychecks. (Perhaps those companies that prepare paychecks don't like flat tax ideas either- if taxes became simple those companies would not be needed)
My nosy self has been reading random blogs. Quite an amusing time waster! There are a great many people who lead very entertaining lives. Why is it that some people can find humor in everyday situations while others (such as myself) are completely BORING?!?!
So, I get to work (early) this morning and pull into the parking lot. It's been warm this week, over freezing. There was a lot of water and puddles in the parking lot. I pulled into a nice spot this morning - a pull through (getting in early has it's advantages). Whilst getting out of my lovely soccer mom vehicle- whoosh- out go my feet. Picture this: My hands are full with keys, id badge, IPOD (don't leave home without it), purse, coffee mug, and Wegmans bag w/ lunch. My graceful self manages to grab my door handle and pull myself up before I can land my backside on the *very* icy parking lot. So I pull myself up and - whoosh- again. This time I get my footing and shuffle my way to the door. All the while I'm thinking how grateful I am that I didn't land on my behind in full view of half the gentlemen with whom I work! Fast forward and hour and a tearful co-worker comes to my desk asking if I drive a silver soccer mom vehicle with a Mary Kay sticker on the back. Remembering my slippery walk to the building, I ask, "Why did you hit it???" (I totally thought I was joking but, alas, it was true) "Yes" she says. Now this is/was a brand new bumper- just put on in December. The poor girl was parking and her car hit the same patch of ice. Now the outdoor temperature was about 38-40 but there was enough ice in the lot that her car going at parking speed slid into my soccer mom-mobile (nice word huh) and pushed it half way out of my spot! I may need a new bumper!
I'll finish this tomorrow as my hands are cramping and Middle Son is waiting to watch TV with me.


cj said...

Oooh, sorry about your car. What a bummer. Maybe you'll feel better knowing that my hubby slid on a strange icy patch on our street right into our neighbor's retaining wall. He had to replace the bumper on his Saab, not cheap. He was trying to put his gloves on while driving! BTW, don't you have a nice bag to carry all your essentials(iPod, lunch) in? I was amused by the scene you described, but still glad that you didn't hurt,or embarress yourself.

The Mama of the House said...

I'm not as nice as your sweet sister--I'd have laughed at you falling! :) And my neighbors just gave me an iPod and I LOVE it! It is an old shuffle so I can't figure out how to play it in my car, yet, but I love working out and listening to my audiobooks!