Saturday, May 10, 2008

Rough Week

Well, with the notable exception of Ranger completing his coursework, last week was ROUGH! Oddly enough I was in a very good mood when Monday morning came around but once I got to work things just went downhill and I couldn't get myself out of that funk all week. Several things happened that just frustrated me. It seemed everyone was having a bad week. Several other people mentioned to me that things just weren't going their way either. Maybe it's the end of the school year stress that just got to us all.
Anyway, on Wednesday the check engine light came on in the van and of course our warranty has expired. Then it was making strange sounds on the highway. The light is off now but no doubt it will return. Grr. We may have to rethink purchasing a new vehicle.
So anyway, it's Saturday now and I'm letting go all the ick from the week. Some things are out of my control so I am going to try to not let it bother me. Probably underlying all my feelings this week is the dread of Ranger's impending departure. I have a feeling until he leaves that I'm just going to feel a bit out of sorts.
Here's to a new week!

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