This is an image from a webcam that is focused on the volcano. It's far enough away that we aren't worried about rocks and lava flow, however, the ash fall could be nasty.
Those of you who have known me for any length of time know that I am a world class procrastinator. However, I'm quite pleased to announce that I have already purchased face masks! In case you didn't know, ash from a volcano is nasty stuff if it gets in your lungs. What this really means though is that I do believe this volcano will erupt. I haven't yet purchased air filters for my vehicles but I do plan on it.
The boys and I wonder though- if it erupts, will we lose TV signal? internet? cell phone? If so, whatever will we do?
(Just kidding, the boys are freaked but I'm thinking that I have about a dozen books that I haven't made time to read!)
Have you ever taken any pictures of this mountain of your own? Have you ever visited it?
We have not visited this mountain. It's about 100 miles away, or so. I suppose I just may have to make the journey, especially if it does erupt.
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