Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Well, today was my last day at work. It was sad saying goodbye. Everyone went all out on a potluck luncheon for me though! It really made me feel good. It's so nice to feel well liked. I really enjoyed my job and was sad to leave a position that was such a good fit. Of course I will miss all the great people with whom I worked. It was such a nice place to work- so nice in fact that I referred my own Mother and she now works in my place!
Of course this means I'm now beginning the final countdown. 10 days and counting! As I type Sgt Dad and Middle Boy are outside assembling the trailer that we purchased to haul the essential items that we want to bring with us.
Travelling such a great distance and not having housing lined up means we need to bring a good deal of clothing and for a variety of weather since it can change drastically in Alaska. We also will have our two dogs and need to bring their kennels and a fair amount of dog food. There is the air mattress and bedding. We also need to bring a selection of tools in case of breakdowns in the more remote portions of Canada. I'm even thinking we should purchase 10 gallons of gasoline- just in case there aren't enough gas stations. I'd sure hate to run out of fuel and who knows what the cell phone coverage will be in the far north east???


cj said...

I'm so excited for you guys. I'm so glad that you enjoyed your job so much. How nice that they had a luncheon for you! I'm just overwhelmed packing for our upcoming two week vacation trip, I can't imagine how difficult your job is. You just have so much to prepare for, and so many unknowns. I will be praying for your long trip, and smooth travels. I'm looking forward to hearing all about it! Love you.

The Mama of the House said...

There is just something inherently exhilarating about packing up and heading toward the unknown... espcially in Canada and Alaska. We're talking Manifest Destiny, here! Have fun and best wishes to you all as you hit the road and see the gorgeous sites.