Saturday, September 8, 2007

Belated Birthday

I'm in trouble! Youngest Son asked to see his birthday post and somehow I never got around to posting it! His birthday was Aug 12th. He turned 14 and is now eligible to get his learner's permit! Alaskan's must be nuts to allow 14 year olds on the road! I will, however, take him to get his permit. He will only be allowed to drive on side streets for some time. At least he's grown a bit this summer and is physically big enough to manage. He's actually taller then me now! Anyway, my sweet little boy is now a full-blown teenager and now he has his own birthday post- although a belated one!

Happy Birthday Son- I love you!!

1 comment:

cj said...

Happy Birthday, nephew! I'm sorry that I missed it. Make sure that you keep off the sidewalks while learning to drive. And, take it easy, you don't want to give your mom a heart attack in the seat next to you.