Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Eagle Has Landed and Distractions

Well, my dear Eagle has made it. His flight from the nest lasted all night but he arrived safe and sound in NY. He even managed to negotiate a plane change in the infamous Chicago O'hare airport all on his own! I'm glad there was good weather last night. I'm already hoping for clear weather for his flight home for Christmas. It's strange to think that this boy I've had for the past 18 years won't be in my sight again for 3 months. When he comes home again he will be a different boy. I'm making sure to buy his ticket to ensure that he will be here for his birthday. There's an empty spot in this house and the ghost of his presence.....
So, Sgt Dad has been attempting to distract me today. We started out by going to the Peanut Farm this morning. And what is the Peanut Farm? It's a popular restaurant/sports bar that has tons of big screen TVs and the NFL Ticket. A big plus for Sgt Dad is that this is a popular place for Bills fans. I imagine that other than Buffalo, this place has the most Bills fans in the country! It's great to finally meet other Bills hold outs and not get laughed at for it! Because of this, it's almost as fun as watching the game at the stadium. We stayed until the 3rd quarter and left when Sgt Dad gave up. The poor team is plagued with injuries, mediocre players and rookies. Hopefully there will be a good year for them soon. When we got home, I helped Middle Son get himself arranged in Eagle's room. He didn't waste any time in claiming it for his own. Fortunately Eagle left a lot of stuff behind so I don't feel as though he has gone for good. Although, he took so much that we had to pay $50 in overage charges. At any rate, Middle Son is settled in and Youngest Son has his own space. After that I spent the rest of the afternoon finishing the game room. When we moved in several boxes of books and office stuff were shoved neatly in the closet. So, today I went through them and got stuff all organized.
Now I've got to deal with dinner. It seems like all I do is prepare and clean up meals all weekend sometimes! I think tonight is gonna be a fix your own meal night. I'll deal with cooking for less people tomorrow. (I sound like one of my favorite heroines with that particular statement)

1 comment:

cj said...

Can you believe that I live across the street from a Bills fan?!!! I know exactly what you mean about meals.