Saturday, September 22, 2007

The View from Up Here... or Myopic Lifestyle

Friday morning I took the boys to school since I had to withdraw Oldest Son. It had been raining over night and therefore the air was saturated with water. This caused a very heavy fog especially as I got closer to their school because there is a river that runs through that town. One could barely see three car lengths ahead. Upon exiting the high school, I had the feeling that someone had put a white barrier up and the only place that existed in the world was this school. I guess this was reflecting my own feelings that morning. I was feeling overwhelmed with loss because of Oldest Son's imminent departure. I felt as though there was nothing else in the world. As I drove away and slowly, slowly the fog was dissipating, the world was becoming a bigger place. It occurred to me then that often we have a myopic view of the world, whether we are wrapped up in bliss or sorrow. We lose sight of the reality that whatever is going on is just a small piece of the picture. This moment in time I am grieving over the end of an era but in the bigger picture this is what I want. I do want my child to become independent and live a full and happy life. The timing of off for sure but this is a necessary step for his ultimate lifetime success. I don't think a single president or titan of industry has been based out of his mother's home! So, I will allow my myopia over this weekend but next week the fog will clear and I'll see the bigger picture and revel in being able to see my young Eagle flying away from the nest and spreading his wings.
So, in that spirit, Oldest Son will henceforth be known as Eagle.

1 comment:

cj said...

You should be a writer. Your posts are so eloquently written that I often get totally wrapped up in your thoughts. Great post even if it is the messenger of mixed emotions. I think you have the right attitude, deal with it and then move on. I love ya!