Friday, March 7, 2008

Close Encounter

This morning I had a close encounter with a very large moose. Just as I got on the highway and attained coasting speed (5-10 miles over the legal speed limit), I spotted a VERY large moose approaching the highway. As I'm driving towards this behemoth animal my mind is racing. Do I a) speed up to get past it before it runs across the highway or b) stop and wait for it to decide what to do or c) slow down, cross my fingers, and pray. (My mind works pretty quick doesn't it- this all happened in about 10 seconds) Well, I went with c) then a) because I saw that he wasn't changing speed and I thought I could get safely past him. As I whizzed by close enough to count the hairs on his whiskery chin (there were 36) I looked into my rear view mirror and saw him step out onto the highway right after I passed. The car behind me had slammed on his brakes and that big old moose did a fancy ballet-type jump/180 and scrambled safely back to the shoulder.
About 500 yards past Mr. Moose there was another moose. She wisely resting in the melting snow, enjoying the human rat race.


cj said...

You're so! That must have been frightening though, I'm glad that the Lord protected you...and Mr. Moose :)

cj said...

P.S. I love your new header! Much more personalized.