Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Alaska's Lessons

Today, three things happened that made me appreciate the beauty of Alaska and it's people.
Firstly, upon leaving the gym this morning the sun had crested the mountains and was shining on the lifting fog from the valley. It was so bright and I was just struck by the beauty of that scene! I wish I could have captured it. I started to think about how many of us in the lower 48 rush around so much that we miss the beauty all around us.
Secondly, after work I was already on my way home and my mind was running through the day and what needed to get done after arriving at home. I was totally distracted and not paying attention to anything other than my thoughts while sitting at a red light. Just as the light turned green, something grabbed my attention. Off to my right was a HUGE cow moose just grazing away next to the road and I had totally missed it because I was not taking the time to look around myself. I was so tuned into my inner thoughts. I realized at that moment that Alaskans really have it right. They don't rush around, there's no honking, bird throwing, no worrying about being fashionable. Really, what does all the stress we pile on ourselves get us? Things get done, everything works out, do your best and let it go. It's a great philosophy. I love it!
The final thing that happened today was while Sgt Dad and I were taking our boys for new sneakers for school. We saw twin moose calves! They were just wandering around, chasing each other, and licking the stoops of some empty houses (they like the salt). Their mother was no where to be seen (and I hope she's not injured or dead). I captured video with my cell phone (darn me for not having my camera on me!) but I have not been able to figure out how to get it from the phone to my computer to share it.
At any rate, my thought today is to take a look at the beauty all around you and the next time you're feeling rushed and stressed- chill. You can only do what you can and the rest will just have to wait.

*HUGS* to all!

1 comment:

cj said...

Great philosophy. Grandmother asked me once if I ever got tired of looking at the mountains here in our city. I never do. Some days, like your experience coming out of the gym, the mountains do strike me as more beautiful than other days. However, I am continually grateful for the beauty of God's creation every time I get a glimpse of Pike's Peak. I'm so glad that you have opportunity to live where you are and have that experience. Enjoy your many moose sightings, it is such a treat! *HUGS*