Wednesday, August 15, 2007

School Lunch

To expound a bit on my diatribe regarding the cost of living here I would like to mention what I paid for school lunch in the past:
In NY state I paid $2.25.
In SC I paid $1.75.
So you can see how since 2005 my school lunch costs have skyrocketed! They have literally doubled in 2 years! There is a very good chance my boys will be welcomed to the world of packing their own lunches.
However, I do think they'd get a healthier lunch by eating at school. The way oldest son eats I'd probably go through a loaf of bread daily. Oh well.
This morning traffic was snarled by a Moose standing at the edge of the road. Unfortunately, I had just passed the intersection when he arrived. I heard about it on the radio. Apparently he wandered out of the woods and just stood at the edge of the road.
I went grocery shopping this evening and went over budget by $100. I am in trouble with Sgt Dad. However, it is cheaper to go over and eat at home than to stick rigidly to a budget and eat out because all the food in the house is gone. I've noticed that even shopping at the commissary food it about 20% more expensive here than the lower 48.
Which reminds me- I transferred our vehicle insurance to AK and that went up to $4000 a year. *SIGH* It's all adding up- that cola allowance doesn't seem so generous anymore!
At least I don't have to worry about the gas/electric bill this year! That's probably the best benefit of government housing.
Well, it's getting late here so I'm going to bed!


The Mama of the House said...

I'm just impressed you're on a budget. My wonderful hubby put me on a strict budget and while I'm decent about staying on it, I could do better. You've motivated me to get on the ball!

Karen Hamilton said...

You are making Rush Henrietta sound like a bargain! Dare I complain?