Friday, July 27, 2007

Fishing is to Alaska as Sunbathing is to Hawaii

My family attempted salmon fishing this evening. Oh those wily fish! We could see schools of them taunting us but they wouldn't oblige us by biting our lures. Oh no! They teased and jumped and swam but no biting. I guess we probably looked much like the cast of City Slickers out there attempting to fish. I found us under dressed- all the other fisher people were wearing rubber waders while we were wearing jeans and sneakers! After about two hours of unsuccessful casting we joined the ranks of those leaving without fish. We'll try again and as God as my witness (to quote one of my favorite heroines) we shall catch a fish! (hopefully it will be a keeper)
During our unsuccessful attempts at fishing we spotted a bald eagle! That was very exciting. I was amazed at how large it was and I have to admit that while I was quite thrilled to see it in it's natural environment, I was jealously watching the fish and wanting it to stay away from my fishing spot! Unfortunately in the rush to leave for our fishing attempt I had forgotten to grab my camera. So- no pics! If only there was a way for me to upload my memories as photos...
In other news, I bumped in the woman from the housing office at the shoppette this evening and she told me that she checked on our house today and to come see her Tuesday! Yippie! And what a sweetie that she is staying on top of that for us! Such a rarity to see someone who really enjoys her job! I will be running into her quite often over the next few months as her son is also a football player.
Speaking of football, Oldest Son is all set to start practice on Monday. We ran around today getting all the gear from his school, purchasing his cleats and other protective gear. So, he's all set and now he's got something to do and will be making new friends before school starts. I'm sure this will be quite beneficial to his mental well being.
No news on my job-hunt as yet. I'm not terribly worried. I don't really want to start working for another two weeks anyway. I'd like to be all moved in before I have to start putting my mind into a new job. I'm still hoping to hear back from UAA. I think I'll send a follow up email. Maybe initiative will put me over the top.
That's all she wrote for today!

1 comment:

cj said...

What a great adventure, even if nothing was caught! I'm so glad that you have your friends from Japan there-what a blessing. Keep the updates coming.