Sunday, July 15, 2007

Holy Sunbeams Batman- What Is That Bright Orb?

So this evening the sun came out and nearly blinded me. The ENTIRE time we've been here it has been cloudy. I heard that we are running about 10 degrees low this summer. I wonder if anyone has told Al Gore that global warming has missed Alaska...
While Sgt Dad and I made a run for the border (at 11pm this evening), we passed a park full of youngsters playing baseball and saw kids out riding their bicycles. What an interesting way of life.
Well, we are in Army Lodging until the 20th and then from the 21st through Aug 1st. We're only short one day now! Yeah! They've been very helpful and patient with our frequent calls checking on availability. So now, worst case scenario is only one day "on the economy". Another plus to staying in lodging is the option to wait to pay them until we are reimbursed from the Army. We already owe them about $1500. Not cheap- huh?
I guess that's all the news. Nothing exciting going on. Next week we are going to try to do some sightseeing.
Oh yeah, and those darn moose have been hiding again. I haven't seen a single one in over a week now.


cj said...

The difference in the climate and amount of sunshine is fascinating. I hope that the kinks in your housing all get worked out soon. By the way, I love your titles for your entries!

Mo said...

Hey email me!!!