Thursday, July 5, 2007

Snag and What a Small World!

Well, we hit a snag with the housing situation. Apparently, although so much new housing is opening up, we have a 6 month to 1 year wait for government quarters! Ugh! So that means finding economy housing which is not plentiful and quite pricey! We found GOBS of 2 bedroom apartments! I'm sure you all realize that a family of 5 will NOT work in a 2 bedroom apartment. At least not when the children are as old as mine. Then there is also the pet issue. Many, many landlords do not like pets. It's so frustrating as a potential tenant. Then again, as a person who at one time considered becoming a landlord, I would prefer to rent to those without pets as well. We also need to keep our kids in the same school district that they will attend after we are assigned post housing. These factors greatly diminish our chances of finding appropriate housing. I'm sure we'll find something but the looking is not fun. Especially since we hadn't prepared ourselves for this possibility. We may end up purchasing a home and just declining government quarters when they do become available. These are all things we are currently mulling over.
We missed the fireworks here. I guess there aren't any done on base here which is totally weird. Then there is the sun issue. One of the local townships hold a fireworks display but they do it at 12:01 on the 4th. So the 4th came and went without any kind of celebration by this family. Bummer.
A very nice thing happened today though. While walking Sgt Dad through all his in processing paperwork, I spotted someone we had lost touch with after Japan (8 years ago!). He is here with his wife and kids. I was so happy to see a familiar face! Additionally, his oldest son was one of Oldest Son's Clique!! Yippie so now he has a friend here, albeit one he had lost touch with but one who was one of his best friends for four years! I think it will go a long way for helping both boys adjust to this move for the all important senior year. Old Friend confessed that his son was also VERY unhappy with the move. In alot of ways it is worse for them as they had been in Japan all this time. But now they have each other to at least get the year started.
We've had a few paperwork snafus with this move, one of which we are still attempting to correct. Of all our PCS moves this one has been the most trying. I think it's a good thing we've been around the block a time or two or I may very well still be back in NY waiting for Sgt Dad to get this stuff straightened out. Although, with housing in short supply, it may have been a good thing.
What's done is done though. We're here and sooner or later we'll find an acceptable place to live. I just need to chill! I'm so anal though! I can't stand not having all the ducks in a row! In fact just this afternoon as I was making the bed, middle son was helping me and I told him it didn't have to be perfect, but I couldn't stand it- I had to make it perfect. That's my weirdness. I'll leave the bed unmade all day or make it. It either has to be perfectly made or perfectly unmade. I can't just do a half-way job of it.


cj said...

Sorry about all the little mundane details that can drive you crazy. I'm sure that you will find a suitable place to live soon. That's great that you ran into some familiar faces-especially for oldest son. Bummer about the fireworks. We had a really nice display here. Of course, our little mostly covered her face and hid because she didn't like the loud noise. I know what you mean about things being perfectly done. I am the same way, I do not like to start a job unless I know that I can finish it. I get very frustrated sometimes with all the interruptions that come with having small children. I'll keep praying for you. Love and Hugs!

Mo said...

Well we didn't see fireworks either. We always go to the Henrietta Town Park and bring subs and drinks and just hang out...remember last year?? with all the balloons?? But it was too wet for the boys and I think we were all exhausted from our week of company (Doug's cousins). And MDA camp for the boys the week before that.
I really miss your absence here. And am a little envious that you have a whole new experience to look forward to. Kyle will do great and I am glad he has a friend to enjoy his senior year with. God is Awesome!!
OK loves and have a good night.

Mo said...

LOL I don't "miss" your absence I am "feeling" your absence...