Tuesday, July 31, 2007

It's a Bust!

Well this whole day was a waste!!!! I wish I could just fast forward the remainder of the day and be done with it.
My "second" interview was terrible. I had a sneaky feeling that this company was trying to get sales people and I ended up being right. In fact, I nearly skipped the entire thing but Sgt Dad talked me into going anyway. When I got there I felt as though I was sitting in an Amway or Mary Kay presentation. Finally at the end of the "interview" they covered the "positions" they were "filling". EVERYONE they hire- to include "office staff" must get insurance licenses and do field work which means going to peoples homes to sell them supplemental insurance and working "retail hours". At the end of their multi-media presentation I was mad! What a phenomenal waste of my time. I told the guy in my first "interview" that I wasn't interested in a stressful job and wanted to be available for my children. What part of that sounds like I want to go into people's homes to sell them insurance and work until 9 pm???? How would that make me available for my kids??? So when they pulled each of us aside to ask us more in depth questions I let them know how irritated I was and informed them that I had NO interest in sales nor in working until 9pm. GRRR!
Then when we went to housing today (as we were told to do) the woman we were working with was in training. So, the manager "helped" us and of course had no information and told us to come back in the morning. I'm sure had we spoken with the woman who knew our case we would have had a more fruitful meeting.
The one bright spot today is we are planning on furniture shopping this evening. Some of you already knew that we discarded our sofa and loveseat before leaving NY and need replacements. We also need a computer desk or two. For those I will check thrift shops and yard sales. The sofa and loveseat need to be new. I wouldn't want to get home with one infused with cat urine- or worse. We'll soon see how bad sticker shock is up here.
Speaking of sticker shock- I spent over $17 buying lunch for Oldest Son and myself at Arby's last week! Yikes! Things are not cheap up here. We haven't shopped for vehicles yet. We are thinking that we'll make what we have last or buy clunkers. We are strongly considering a vehicle purchase for the boys to use. It would be nice if they had their own wheels.
Time to attempt the crossword for the day. See ya!

1 comment:

cj said...

Ohhh, so sorry to hear about the job. Leave it to the sales people to bait you only to switch on you! Good for you on voicing your disgust regarding their tactics. Happy furniture hunting!