Saturday, July 7, 2007

Moose Come Out

Yesterday we saw two different sets of Mama and calf Moose. One of them was grazing in the back of our hotel while we were grilling our dinner. I was taking pictures when Sgt Dad pointed out that she kept looking at me and back at her calf. So, I decided I had enough photos. If you've never seen a moose up close before- they are HUGE! I've seen videos of what they do to a person if you spook them. So, I didn't want to give her a reason to charge at me. The other set was just grazing along the side of the road. I guess the moose is not so elusive after all. At least not on the base. I heard that bears have been sighted on base which made me nervous grilling steaks so close to the tree line. Believe me- I kept my ears alert for the sounds of crashing foliage. I was prepared to leave my food and run if necessary!
We took the boys bowling yesterday. I won the first two games. Of course Sgt Dad couldn't let that stand. The third game he beat me. By then my thumb was hurting so Youngest son and I went to play pool.
When Sgt Dad and the other two finished their final game all four men played pool together. After that Sgt Dad, oldest son, and I all went to the gym. All in all it was a good day.


cj said...

It sounds like you had a nice family outing together. Thanks for sharing your photos-I love them!

Mo said...

Missing your blogs!! Hope all is well. How's the Housing Hunting Going??